Monday, October 20, 2014

A New Direction ~ Echo Hill Spices

I realize that this blog is useless as a vehicle to document my life on the farm! So, I have changed my focus to how what the farm produces may become beneficial to those reading this.

My spice blends started out as a desire to make a BBQ seasoning that was less expensive than the ones offered in the local market. The first spice blend to come out of my kitchen was intended to season ribs on the grill...thus, Smoky~Sweet was born. My wife loved it so much...she asked me to make a couple of quart jars full. She wanted "backup"!

My farm is called Echo Hill, so my wife suggested calling the new spice blend..."Echo Hill Spices Smoky~Sweet". Since my first spice blend was conceived through of my love for meat, any meat…grilled, smoked, fried, roasted, broiled or braised... it sounded great to me and our little business was born.

You can find us on the web at  If this link does not work, copy and paste it into the address bar.

If you have tried one of my spice blends...please feel free to post questions, photos, corrections, suggestions and comments. I would enjoy your input.

Happy Cooking,

Rick Ely
Bulls Gap, Tennessee

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